
#十幾歲的日子裡每天都有另類搖滾吵雜的電子吉它與主唱們一個比一個糟的嗓音, 唱著天書似的歌詞. 記得在文藻的某天, 和"三逼" (只有文藻人聽得懂吧 哈哈哈) 的同學 Henry (很奇怪就是記得這號人物, 也沒講過幾次話) 在 computer lab 裡面, 尋找 OASIS 的歌詞. 那時後已經有電腦有網路了, 但是沒有想過遠在千里之外可以看 OASIS 的現場. 

OASIS 跟我十幾歲的青澀年少時光是分不開的. 去年在麻州聽到他們演唱會, 那是多年後再也不聽他們歌的一種反芻. 在演唱會現場, 訝異自己還能跟著臺上小到只剩指頭大小的他們一起大聲唱著 Champagne Supernova, Dont' Look Back in Anger, Rock'N'Roll Star, 歌詞一句不忘, 間奏也如此熟悉, 時光倒流, 曾是那樣一遍遍聽著這些歌閉起眼睛夢想著許多看似遙不可及的事. (看這些 video clips 裡的他們, 有多年輕啊~~~) 即使到現在, 有時後心裡不爽也暗自唱起 Married with Children 自我陶醉跩跩的唱著" goodbye I am going home", 早已忘了是 OASIS 裡面誰唱的歌, 只記得跟著唱就會開心一點的效果.

看似遙不可及的夢想也有可能實現. 現在我就坐在家裡看著 OASIS 在巴黎的現場演唱會實況, 畫面清晰, 一個子兒也不收. 最近 google 收購 YouTube 的新聞還是火紅話題. 下一個 media 世紀已經來臨了吧. 


Married with Children by OASIS
There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye I'm going home 
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye I'm going home
I hate the way that even though you
Know you're wrong you say you're right
I hate the books you read and all your friends
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all night

There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye I'm going home

I hate the way that you are so sarcastic
And you're not very bright
You think that everything you've done's fantastic
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all night

And it will be nice to be alone
For a week or two
But I know that I will be
Right back here with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with you, with yooou...

There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye I'm going home


#Program: 十幾歲的夢想
#History: Dec. 3, 2006 rusin first release PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:~/bin export PATH


(最後更新 2015.02.01)


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